What is coaching?

Coaching is a partnership between the coach and the client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Executive and leadership coaching is recognized as a powerful tool for personal and organizational development. As professionals strive to navigate complex challenges and maximize their potential, coaching offers a tailored approach to growth and success. Our professional certified coaches have years of experience and adhere to the standards, ethics, and principles set forth by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


Executive & Team Coaching

  • Executive Coaching

    As executive coaches we work with a wide range of clients and offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each individual and organization. In creatively challenging ways, we help our clients attain their personal, professional, and business goals.

    We offer coaching and training sessions, both in-person and virtually. We will start with an initial assessment to clearly define your short and long term goals. We use these goals as a foundation to help create a strategy for attaining these objectives.

  • Team Coaching

    In team coaching we utilize the iEQ9 Enneagram assessment as a powerful tool for enhancing communication, collaboration, and performance. By illuminating the diverse perspectives and motivations of team members, the assessment fosters empathy and understanding, laying the foundation for stronger relationships and more effective teamwork. Moreover, by identifying each team member's unique strengths and contributions, coaching enables teams to leverage their collective talents and achieve greater synergy and success.

iEQ9 Enneagram Assessment in Coaching

The most accurate and in-depth Enneagram report available.

Unlock Personal and Team Potential

Understanding yourself and others is often the key to unlocking your potential as a leader and fostering effective teamwork. A powerful tool gaining prominence in this arena is the Enneagram, a dynamic personality system that offers profound insights into individual motivations, behaviors, and interpersonal dynamics. Coaching paired with the iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram assessment allows individuals and teams to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth like never before.

How it Works

The iEQ9 assessment consists of a series of 175 questions designed to elicit responses that reveal your underlying motivations, fears, and core desires. Based on your answers, the assessment generates a detailed profile that identifies your primary Enneagram type, as well as any wings (adjacent types that influence your personality) and instinctual variants (subtypes that further refine your type). This multifaceted profile offers a nuanced understanding of your personality, allowing you to leverage your strengths and address areas for growth with precision and clarity.

Standard - $60

  • 22 Pages

  • Core Enneagram Type

  • 27 Subtypes

  • Centers of Expression

  • Wing Influence

  • Self-Awareness and Integration

  • Strain Levels

  • Lines of Tension and Release

  • *BONUS Customized Development Exercises

Professional - $120

  • 42 Pages

  • Core Enneagram Type

  • 27 Subtypes

  • Centers of Expression

  • Wing Influence

  • Self-Awareness and Integration

  • Strain Levels

  • Lines of Tension and Release

  • Communication

  • Giving and Receiving Feedback

  • Feedback Guide for All Types

  • Conflict and Triggers

  • Decision Making

  • Leadership and Management

  • Team Behavior

  • Coaching Relationship Tendencies

  • *BONUS Customized Development Exercises

Team - $180

  • 23 Pages

  • Team Centers of expression

  • Enneagram team style and values

  • Impact on relationships, planning, tasks and goals

  • Unhealthy team behaviours

  • Development stages

  • Secondary style influences

  • Underdeveloped styles

  • Collective strain profile

  • Harmonics & Hornevians

  • Team instincts

  • Leadership

  • Dynamics between the team and leader

  • *BONUS Customized Development Exercises for Teams

  • This report scales the insight and development process to the team level. It adds value to the health and effectiveness of teams working together in an organizational setting.

Trusted by top Brands worldwide

Couples - $120

  • 48 Pages

  • Your Two Core Enneagram Types

  • 27 Subtypes

  • How to Bring Out the Best in Each Other

  • Potential Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Expressing Love & Center-Specific Energy Flow

  • Your Stress and Strains

  • Ways to Improve Communication & Better Collaborate on Decisions

  • Managing Conflict Better

  • Your Triggers and Your Partner's Experience

  • Emotional and Sexual Intimacy

  • Supporting Each Other as Parents

  • Finance as a Couple

  • Life at Work and Home

  • *BONUS Customized Development Exercises

  • The iEQ9 Couple's Report should only be used by two people in a romantic relationship.

Please contact us to book a 30-minute consultation to explore if coaching is right for you.